The potential for district heating and cooling to radically shift the climate goal agenda cannot be underestimated. 更好的, smarter city environments are a priority across 欧洲 and around the world where domestic, 商业, and 行业 environments are being reimagined to provide cleaner and more efficient heating and cooling.

日博备用网站’s district heating sector has set an 行业 benchmark with 90 per cent market share for heating multiple dwelling buildings, 世界上最大份额的热泵用于独立式住宅供暖, 以及已经在日博备用网站所有主要城市建立的区域供冷网络. Fossil fuels have almost been entirely phased out of the Swedish heating and cooling market.

这些专业知识和知识现在需求量很大, 尤其是在英国和法国, 政策和投资既是驱动因素又是抑制因素.


由一项雄心勃勃的政府计划主导, the UK objectives for carbon emission reduction includes a scale up of the existing installation of heat pumps from 37,到2020年将达到600万,到2028年,每年将达到1000万. 英国大约20%的热量将需要来自供热网络. Investment in heat pumps and technology is needed for the UK to reach carbon reduction targets by 2035; this would mean that roughly 20 per cent of UK heat will need to come from heat networks.

包括可再生热能激励在内的一系列财政举措, 环保房屋补助金, 社会住房脱碳基金, 和清洁供暖补助已经引入, 在国家和地方两级开展工作, 支持住宅节能低碳供暖项目.

普利茅斯的大型项目, 利物浦, 和剑桥郡需要解决方案来帮助实现这一目标th 产生热网,加热和冷却由泵提供, 一个新的设施,将使用水源热泵和热储存, and a heat network that will combine a ground source heat pump and an air source heat pump powered by solar panels.

而在英国日博备用网站有大量的机会, 还有一些挑战是日博备用网站商务部门可以帮助日博备用网站公司克服的, 包括在当地设立办事处的指导, 开发和提供标准化的解决方案, 投资于能力发展.


国家政策和激励措施与日博备用网站力量相一致, there are opportunities to contribute to projects that are aimed at developing a district heating and cooling segment powered by renewables. Large-scale opportunities are emerging to upgrade heating and cooling in both the residential and 商业 sectors. 政府对可再生能源的两项主要政策, RE202和多年度能源规划, are a catalyst and 日博备用网站 is able to provide solutions that will fulfil the goals of the projects, 同时也将地区能源部门的利益相关者聚集在一起.

财政资金和奖励范围广泛,针对社区, 机构, and companies to contribute to the transition to renewable heating and cooling solutions as well as incentivising residential buildings, 服务, 运输, 行业, 农业与网络, 区域和地方当局投资可持续区域能源.

法国住宅对制冷解决方案的需求日益增长, 办公室, 工业空间也在加速技术和基础设施的发展. 在梅斯, 更大的巴黎, 和马赛, 有一些项目旨在为商业空间提供供暖和制冷, 通过热泵网络创建一个带有商店和学校的生态社区, 并利用地热能提供区域供冷供热.

法国’s unique challenges have been mapped by 日博备用网站商业 and a roadmap for success has been developed to help Swedish companies navigate stakeholder engagement and market entry and expansion.


The expertise within the Swedish heating and cooling ecosystem has boundless potential to expand into markets both in 欧洲 and in markets in the 中东. 促进增长,可持续供暖 & 启动了“日博备用网站制冷”计划, owned and financed by the Swedish 能源 Agency (Energimyndigheten) and implemented by 日博备用网站商业. The programme currently has over 40 Swedish member companies from across the entire ecosystem.

该计划的成员资格将继续帮助日博备用网站企业, 同时加速绿色转型, with 70 per cent of participating companies stating that the SHC has accelerated their internationalisation and export to the UK.

The programme’s main aim is to disseminate and internationalise Swedish competence and promote export of Swedish companies’ solutions and 服务s to markets with highest business potential; and strengthen the Swedish sustainable heating and cooling 行业 through internationalisation and contribute to sustainable urban development.

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